We’re defining the ideal child care and making the ideal real.

The child care crisis in the U.S. is long-standing and well documented. WeVision EarlyEd is a catalyst for making the ideal child care real — as defined by those navigating the current child care system: families, educators and administrators.

Their ideal child care:

  • Focuses on what young children need to grow and develop
  • Is viewed as a public good and supported by appropriate federal and local funding
  • Provides clear, affordable child care options for all families
  • Guarantees consistent, predictable quality with appropriately scaled regulations
  • Shares decision-making and governance with families, practitioners, and government

WeVision EarlyEd is designed to guide necessary conversations, shift outdated mindsets about child care, demonstrate that the ideal is possible, and advocate for transformative policy changes.

The Work:
Making the Ideal Real — Right Now

WeVision EarlyEd charts a path toward the child-centered and quality-centered child care system families, educators and administrators want. This work includes three interconnected components:


The pain points of the current child care journey and components of the ideal

Core Shifts

The five critical mindset shifts needed to make the ideal system real

Solutions Lab

A real-world testing ground to demonstrate that the ideal child care system, as defined by proximity experts, can be made real — right now.

It Is Possible:
Making the Ideal Real

The child care crisis in the U.S. is long-standing and well documented.

The child care crisis in the U.S. is long-standing and well documented. WeVision EarlyEd is a catalyst for making the ideal child care real — as defined by those navigating the current child care system: families, educators and administrators.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

WeVision EarlyEd is a catalyst for making the ideal child care real — as defined by those closest to the system: families, educators and administrators. This ideal system would feature appropriate and equitable funding; simple and streamlined processes; more consistent quality; and shared policy decision-making. 

WeVision EarlyEd is designed to guide necessary conversations and test ideal solutions — beginning with the District of Columbia and then influencing other communities across the nation.

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